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Sunday, 20 March 2011

Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami

It's been over a week since the Japanese earthquake/tsunami and the biggest problem facing the country, apart from keeping most of it's population housed and fed, is the threat of meltdown from a badly damaged nuclear reactor.

Shit happens and then some.

I really feel for these people. Firstly, their country is shaken by one of the biggest earthquakes in recorded history. Then, with aftershoocks still taking place, a tsunami sweeps along the east coast, rearranging everything the quake had already disturbed. The figures keep changing but about 20,000 people are missing or dead. The survivors are only just managing to remain so. And if we're not all very lucky the nuclear fallout from the damaged reactor could wipe out untold more. Certainly, much of Japan could be a toxic no-go area and who knows which way the wind will blow?

But amidst the chaos, brought about by this disaster, there is still hope. Where help arrives, the Japanese people have formed orderly queues. There has been very little, if any, fighting. They have remained a proud race, calmy coping with their dire situation. My only concern is that the Japanese government seems as calm regarding the threat of nuclear meltdown. If it was me, I'd be begging for help. The consequences of failing to repair the reactor could affect us all.

Chernobyl still glows...

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