What I'd like to talk about is venery. You may not have heard the word* but I'm sure you've heard its use. I am referring to collective nouns. For example, a "flock" of birds or a "pride" of lions. These are fairly common so we don't really think about them very much but I was searching online for confirmation of a term I'd heard many years ago, a "murder" of crows.
I was pleased to find it was correct. However, I came across a number of other terms I'd never heard before, some of which had me laughing at the mental image that accompanied them. For your pleasure, I'd like to share a number of them here. Enjoy.
A parcel of birds
A blush of boys
A rabble of butterflies
A drunkenship of cobblers
A hastiness of cooks
A kettle of hawks
A siege of herons
An observance of hermits
A smack of jellyfish
A cartload of monkeys
A scourge of mosquitoes
A superfluity of nuns
A parliament of owls
A bouquet of pheasants
A poverty of pipers
An unkindness of ravens
A rout of snails
A clutter of spiders
An ambush of tigers
A gang of turkeys
*Bird is the word.
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