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Saturday 30 July 2011

Love is a losing game

It's been a week since the death of Amy Winehouse. It's a bloody shame because as I understand it, she was on the mend and writing a new album. Footage I've seen of her, on stage with her God daughter, Dionne Bromfield, at the roundhouse in Camden, show her to be full of life.

She even skips off when she's finished. Amy Winehouse. Skipping.

It's an absolute tragedy that such a shining talent has been taken from us before her time. Another victim/member of the 27 club, which includes such greats as Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin, amongst others.

And like so many before, the cause of Amy's death remains a mystery. At the time of writing, she has had an autopsy (or post mortem) and her remains have been cremated, according to Jewish religion. Test results will take weeks to return and even then we still may never know why she died.

It's a crying shame. I'll miss you, Amy.

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