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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Day 2: Job Centre Minus

I've been keeping my problems to myself for far too long, partly (only partly) because I thought I wouldn't be believed. Today I came face to face with my fears. She works at the Job Centre Plus. Having to explain my situation became a humiliating experience I have no wish to repeat.
I've had to talk to a number of people over the past few weeks and most of them have been understanding, even caring. However, when it came to she-who-shall-remain-nameless (for now, at least), I felt as if I were just telling porkies in order to con the benefit system. In fact, upon leaving the JCP offices, I felt almost ashamed of myself and hid myself away at home for the remainder of the day.
This was inversely proportionate (not really but I love that phrase) to my arrival where the security guard asked to see my boarding pass. It wasn't much but it made me smile. Cheers, mate.

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